Dienstag, 15. November 2011


Die irische Gruppe WESTLIFE hatte ich vorher noch nie so bewusst wahrgenommen, bis ich dieses Lied (klick) von dem Quartett bei YouTube entdeckte: You Raise Me Up. Ich kannte es zuvor nur von den Celtic Woman (klick). Über 17 Millionen Klicks für einen Schwarzweiß-Film in minderer optischer Qualität sind schon gigantisch.

You Raise Me Up

When i am down and all my souls surround me,
and troubles come and my heart burden me,
and i am still am waiting here in the silence,
until you come and sit awhile with me

you raise me up so i can stand on mountains,
you raise me up to walk on stormy seas,
i am strong when i am on your shoulders,
you raise me up to more than i can be

(Instrumental Music)
you raise me up so i can stand on mountains,
you raise me up to walk on stormy seas,
i am strong when i am on your shoulders,
you raise me up to more than i can be

(music dies then)
you raise me up so i can stand on mountains,
you raise me up to walk on stormy seas,
i am strong when i am on your shoulders,
you raise me up to more than i can be

you raise me up so i can stand on mountains,
you raise me up to walk on stormy seas,
i am strong when i am on your shoulders,
you raise me up to more than i can be

you raise me up to more than i can be.

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